last updated: 2022-06-21

Jersey City
The poorest city in New Jersey.

So poor that people from faraway counties subsidize its schools for past 3 decades (Abbott District).
In the meantime, wannabe governor named Steven Fulop provides billions in public subsidies to fraudsters and money launderers
in exchange for a consideration.
Almost none of the properties you see below on picture pays any property taxes at all.
Publicly subsidized building on far right rents apartment for a mere $20 000 per month.
At the same time, Fulop created more then 20 000 illegal dwellings where people live even in garages. Total over 40 000 slums by now - affordable housing crisis.

Illegal dumping
Dumping asbestos
coming soon

Illegal street closures
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Illegal aliens
on publicly subsidized construction sites.

coming soon

Tax abatement racket
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Fake inspections
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Sanctuary City

coming soon

Fight Back
(your resources)

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